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RINA – Damaged Ship IV

Recent incidents at sea have shown that investigations and understanding of the behaviour of damaged ships are as important as ever.  Significant progress has been made over the past ten years but there still remain numerous scientific and practical challenges.  On 16 and 17 May 2018, The Royal Institution of Naval Architects held its fourth international conference on the subject which LOC London supported, as they have the previous three.

LOC London’s Baiqian Jiang presented a paper on the Challenges in Hydrostatic Modelling of a Casualty Sinking Sequence at RINA’s Damaged Ship IV.

The presentation covered the problems encountered in ship casualty modelling to assess residual stability when there may be little evidence on which to base reliable hydrostatic analyses.  He addressed the assumptions required in respect of the loss of initial stability and the subsequent internal cargo / fluid movement. Baiqian compared the limitations in static stability analysis with the options available now for dynamic flooding analysis, concluding with a recognition that an experienced investigator is required to properly establish the root cause of a casualty.

Baiqian was supported by Simon Pollard who chaired the first day of the conference and by Paris Mangriotis.

Baiqian Jiang presenting on the Challenges in Hydrostatic Modelling
of a Casualty Sinking Sequence at RINA’s Damaged Ship IV Conference in May 2018